Renaissance Revival Reveler

This is an up-beat blog that rejoices in the creativity God gifts us to lift our neighbor and glorify Him. Travels, home decor, gardening, the pallet for many interests.

Monday, October 26, 2009

Another Gift, Another Blessing

One of the loveliest gifts of God is receiving anew the friendship of those you knew long ago. Through the wonders of Facebook, I located a sorority sister, who - surprise of surprises - had been trying to locate me. Messages flew from "wall to wall" and as the Lord would have it, I was able to visit in person with not one, but two of my long lost sorority sisters. Well, they thought I was lost. And no wonder, we had not seen one another for nearly 35 years! We talked, laughed, cruised the the main drag of our former college campus, and even rapped on the sorority house door begging for an impromptu tour - at 9:45 PM. The house is no longer a sorority, but a student residence hall whose occupants were curious about its former occupants: the sisters of Delta Zeta.
What surprised me the most was that we didn't spend a great deal of time talking about the "old glory days", but mostly shared about our lives, our experiences, and where we have come. Before we called it a day - and what a good time it was - we perused the local Target store (not my favorite but the company was exceptional) and celebrated our reunion by buying hats: each of us a different hat that was as unique as the wearer.(Sorry, the hat picture didn't turn out.) Even though we were sorority sisters and had those years in common, sorority was not the main course of conversation, but one another's lives, joys, struggles, lessons learned.
Thirty-five years were as nothing. We simply picked up where we left off and the "sisterhood" continues.
How much that is like persons who know the Lord and gladly share the journey.

Started a new three-sermon series last Sunday: "The Afterlife."
For last Sunday's sermon "Carried or Buried" please click on the sunset.


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